{Chic Eats} Revisiting an old Favorite: Carnivale in the West Loop

Carnivale Chicago

Carnivale in the West Loop

I love fall. The idea that it’s just around the corner, however, is ridiculous. For one, it means winter is just around the corner, festival season is about over, and pretty soon cropped jackets will give way to puffy coats and long underwear. I can’t handle that kind of pressure.

Speaking of vegetable juice (sure, we were), is it just me or is this summer milder than a spicy V8? Last week, I met a friend for lunch who insisted we eat outside. My first thought? Better pack a sweater. Such thoughts have no place in July.

Wearing a dress with sleeves (!), I headed to Carnivale for sangria en plein air.  Carnivale is one of those places I love but visit rarely. It’s always been there and I expect it always will be. So, I pass on its colorful façade in favor of something new on Randolph Street. There’s always a new restaurant on Randolph.

Perhaps, Carnivale’s stick-to-itiveness among West Loop newbies is a testament to the restaurant’s quality cuisine and thoughtful décor. I certainly was reminded of why it’s one of my favorite Latin fusion eateries. For a moment on their balcony, sipping sangria with my friend, it actually felt like summer.




Carnivale Chicago



Carnivale Chicago

Carnivale Chicago


Carnivale Chicago