Mexico City is NOTHING Like I Expected

Mexico City, also known as CDMX, is a bustling metropolis, sure to leave a lasting impression on any first-time (or fiftieth-time) visitor. As the capital of Mexico, it is a city full of history, culture, and delicious food. The food scene here is one of the most prolific in North America — constantly growing and always evolving. Here are some tips and recommendations for visiting Mexico City for the first time.

Getting Around:

Mexico City is a large and sprawling city. It’s important to plan your transportation ahead of time. The metro system is a convenient and affordable way to get around the city but it can be crowded during rush hour. Taxis and ride-sharing services like Uber and DiDi are also readily available, but be sure to use caution and only use licensed taxis or reputable ride-sharing services.

Things to Do:

There are plenty of things to see and do in Mexico City. Some of the must-see attractions include:

  • The National Museum of Anthropology: This museum is home to some of the most important artifacts from Mexico’s ancient civilizations, including the Aztecs and Mayans.
  • The Palacio de Bellas Artes: This stunning building is home to the National Theater and is a great place to catch a show or concert.
  • The Zocalo: This large square is the heart of Mexico City and is surrounded by historic buildings, including the National Palace and the Metropolitan Cathedral.
  • Xochimilco: This area is famous for its canals and colorful boats, known as trajineras. You can take a boat tour, enjoy traditional Mexican food and drink, and take in the sights.

Food and Drink:

Mexico City cuisine is famous worldwide, and for a good reason. Mexico City is home to some of the best food in the country. Be sure to try some of the local specialties, such as tacos al pastor, chiles en nogada, and pozole. Street food is also popular and affordable in Mexico City, but be sure to only eat from reputable vendors.


Like any big city, Mexico City has its share of safety concerns. However, with some basic precautions, you should be safe during your visit. Be sure to stay in well-lit areas, avoid wearing flashy jewelry or carrying large amounts of cash, and always be aware of your surroundings.

Overall, Mexico City is a vibrant and exciting destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression on any first-time visitor. With a little planning and common sense, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip while experiencing all that this incredible city has to offer.

Check out the video in this article to experience my layover in Mexico City.