This Cheap and Simple Routine Saved My Skin

Oily skin can be a frustrating and persistent problem for many people, especially while traveling. It can cause breakouts, blackheads, and an overall shiny appearance. However, with this easy, cheap skincare routine, I’ve kept my oily skin under control and achieved a healthy, balanced complexion.

Here are some tips for taking care of oily skin:

Cleanse twice a day
Cleansing is essential in any skincare routine, but it’s vital for those with oily skin. Use a gentle, oil-free cleanser to remove excess oil, dirt, and makeup. Be sure to cleanse twice daily, once in the morning and once at night, to keep your skin clean and clear. (NOTE: I rarely wash my skin in the morning and prefer to clean it with oil. So, I’m entirely disregarding this well-known advice!)

Exfoliate regularly
Use a gentle exfoliator once or twice a week to keep your skin smooth and healthy. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells that can clog pores and contribute to acne. However, be careful not to overdo it, as too much exfoliation can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause more oil production. (This advice I completely agree with!)

Use a toner
A toner can help balance your skin’s pH and remove any remaining dirt and oil after cleansing. Look for a toner that contains salicylic acid or glycolic acid, which can help unclog pores and prevent breakouts. (YES!!)

Moisturize daily
Many people with oily skin skip moisturizer, thinking it will make their skin even oilier. However, this can worsen the problem as the skin may produce even more oil to compensate for the lack of moisture. Use an oil-free, lightweight moisturizer daily to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. (This is such an important tip. We all need a great moisturizer.)

Use products with the right ingredients.
When choosing skin care products for oily skin, look for ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which can help control oil production and prevent breakouts. Avoid heavy oils and fragrances that can clog pores and irritate the skin. (Often, the most widely available base ingredients are all I need. For example, castor and olive oil are essential to my routine.)

Protect your skin from the sun
Sun damage can cause premature aging and can also exacerbate oily skin. Use a lightweight, oil-free sunscreen daily to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

Eat a healthy diet
What you put into your body can also affect your skin. A diet high in processed foods and sugar can contribute to oily skin and breakouts. Instead, focus on eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

As you can see, I only follow some of these tips. While dermatologists differ in their recommendations, the video below shows what’s worked consistently for me.

In conclusion, taking care of oily skin requires a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, exfoliating, toning, moisturizing, and using the right products. By following these tips and adopting healthy habits, you can achieve a healthy, balanced complexion and keep oily skin under control.